Name:: adam or pez
Age:: 16
Sex:: awesome! (male)
Location:: n/a
Birthday:: 8/29
From:: usa - dmv area
Web:: my name is usually formatted w/an underscore though
what do you love about nu metal?
sounds cool and i think the whole thing of making new music and mixing together a bunch of genres is cool. ive been into this for like 4 years i dont remember anymore but i still love it.
fav bands?
PLEYMO, 40 below summer, ctrl-alt-del, incubus, taproot, linkin park, mudvayne, ph8, left, orgy N A TON MORE...
fav movies?
there will be blood, fargo, the matrix, blade, american psycho, uhh some other movies i forget.
fav singers?
mark maggiori, brandon boyd, maynard james keenan, layne staley, i think this is a box i can insert bjork into. even if she isnt nu metal...pft wateva
drawing, coding, videogames, taking apart electronics for fun, n i collect stuff < - cameras, figures. i also like reading and checking out archives of stuff
more info
enamored with 90s and 00s internet and technology. i like old webcomics and old music and old could say i still live like its the year 2000 heh. and uhhh i love to laugh. my earrings are 6g and my jung type is enfj. my favorite color is green.
what brought u?
fartz man spacehey...pretty cool.
wear bigger pants...find $100000 on the ground waiting for me.
nov 4 at lunchtime